Hlela Mbiyozo: Electrical Intern

Vulamathuba, through a HWSETA funded project, partnered with some of Communicare’s suppliers to host several TVET college N6 graduates on an 18-months Work Integrated Learning internship. The internship allows them the opportunity to complete their National Diploma in their respective qualifications.

Hlela Mbiyozo, who completed N6 Electrical Engineering course at King Sabata Dalindyebo FET College, is one such intern. He has recently completed his electrical engineering internship at Communicare’s newly developed Bothasig Gardens under EMCON, the contractor on site.

Hlela gained work experience in tubing, kiosk installation, connecting DB Boxes, and house wiring. He said: “Having majored in engineering studies directly prepared me for the role. Whilst studying, my subjects were more inclined to calculations and measurements, something you have to have a good hang of, as an electrician.”

Apart from the technical skills, Hlela said gaining skills like a good understanding of work etiquette, communication, navigating team dynamics, and project management have been a wonderful addition to his internships. “These will be helpful as I begin my journey of employment seeking.”

Being on site daily, Hlela was also exposed to the construction. He said he learned more about what it takes to build property from scratch.

Hlela’s advice to other job seekers is: “Whatever opportunity you get, use it wisely! Getting an internship these days does not come easy!”