ANNOUNCEMENT Vulamathuba Empumelelo, the community and social development arm of Communicare, was established to deliver developmental interventions to Communicare tenants. Vulamathuba’s overall objective is to create opportunities for the economic growth of residents in fostering the principle of Economic Mobility through skills, training, and development.

Vulamathuba administers the Vulamathuba Empumelelo Bursary Fund (VEBF). Through the bursary, it provides the recipients with an opportunity to pursue tertiary education, thereby enhancing their capacity to be self-reliant and financially mobile. The principal purpose of the Fund is to give financial aid to Communicare tenants and neighbouring community members who have the academic potential, yet are economically disadvantaged and looking to pursue a qualification that is described as a scarce or critical skill.

We are inviting individuals who desire to study or are studying at a recognised and accredited tertiary institution, which includes TVET Colleges and universities to apply for a bursary for an academic year. We will consider bursary applications up to an undergraduate level from learners who are financially needy, with or without disabilities, employed or unemployed, and performing well academically. Grade 12 learners, as well as those who have passed Grade 12 in previous years, and students who are already at recognised and accredited tertiary institutions are eligible for the bursary. We will consider your application if you are planning full-time or part-time studies towards an academic or artisan qualification.


The VEBF will determine the amount that it allocates to each student to a maximum of R33 500.00. The bursary covers the costs for studies (excluding postgraduate) at a recognised and accredited South African tertiary institution.


  • Registration costs
  • Tuition (course fees)
  • Textbooks and other academic resource material relevant to the course
  • Examination fees, if applicable


  • Electronic devices and stationery
  • Fees and costs associated with previous study loans or tuition expenses.


  1. The closing date for applications is 30 November 2022.
  2. VEBF awards bursaries annually and renewal is at its discretion.
  3.  Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 50 years.
  4. Successful applicants will be required to sign an agreement with Vulamathuba Empumelelo.
  5. VEBF will determine the financial need of candidates using a means test.
  6. The VEBF’s selection will be final, and will not enter into any correspondence.
  7. The annual gross income of the household must not exceed R350 000.00 for a candidate to qualify for this funding.
  8. The bursary will convert to a loan if the recipient fails to provide proof of successful completion of the study by the start of the new academic period.
  9. The bursary will convert to a loan if the recipient fails to successfully complete the course of study by the completion date for which the bursary was approved.

To download the application form click here or send your inquiries to